Thursday, July 11, 2013

MIA-little bitty back slide


Hope everyone is enjoying summer. I am crazy busy and not doing so great.
My anxiety has just been crushing. The thought of leaving just brings on an attack. I am not getting out of the house like I should be. Next week should be a challenge. My babies birthday is Monday, so we will do movie, dinner, a little shopping. I have to do this. Not many of these moments left where he is mine on his birthday. Wednesday I will be going out with my sister to see that new movie with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. I really want to see keep your fingers crossed. Send out some sanity energy for me next week.Is sanity energy even a thing?

July birthdays are kind of a big deal in my family, we have 3 just on the 15th. I guess I should say summer birthdays, but the summer birthdays will be celebrated here on Saturday. This  being said I need to get off my tush and get some stuff done.

Love and Light!