Saturday, October 4, 2014

Midlife Crisis in the Juniors Department


Happy Saturday! The weekend is finally upon us! As I am sitting here cup of coffee in hand I have realized that I am experiencing some type of clothing crisis. I am wearing my tie dyed jump suit (jump suits are coming back in fashion FYI). I have taken to shopping in the juniors department, because I can! The first purchase was The Mean Girls t-shirt-I love that movie, but it has been expanding and expanding. I am now the proud owner of several Batman t shirts (this would be because this little boy who stole my heart). An Olaf  t- shirt, because really, some people ARE worth melting for. Last time while I was in Kohl’s I found myself in the dressing room jumping up and down into the skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are waning out but I just never had an official pair of skinny jeans, jeggings yes-leggings yes, but skinny jeans…I now have two pair! I am returning one pair because truth be told give me a pair of Mom jeans any day, they really are more comfortable. Once I was chuckling at an old friend who could not embrace getting older or the slow expansion of her mid section-it happens- and was still dressing in the juniors department, trying to squeeze into something she wore 10 years ago. Is that me now? I am a semi attractive older woman, can I say older? Am I “older”? What is older? When I was a kid 30 seemed old, now my friends children that I still refer to as “the girls” are embarking upon 30. When did that happen? I don’t worry about wrinkles or stretch marks. I earned them. They are a badge of my life. They are a badge of courage. They are a badge of being a woman. A wrinkle not only shows I have spent a lot of time thinking but it shows I have spent a lot of time laughing and smiling. My stretch marks, life came out of my body-need I say more?

"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." Betty Friedan (1921-2006)

Love and Light,

Agoraphobia Gurl