Hello Friends,
I am really trying to make an attempt at keeping up with this blog and doing my "activities" getting out of the house. I am not sure what is going to happen when Algebra starts, but I hope I will stay on path.
The weekend, Saturday night we (Dean, myself, and my son) went to The Texas Road House at dinner time. I feel as if I deserve trumpeting or something. It actually was not too busy. We got seated pretty much right away, which gives me less time to freak out. I looked at the drink menu, and I was tempted but I didn't drink any alcohol. I really don't drink much but the whole liquid courage thing that I tend to lean on from time to time is not a great idea for several reasons, so we rocked it sober. Dinner was very yummy and I am glad we went.
Sunday I went with Dean to The Father's Day Parade. My sister and niece were with us, my niece gets a kick out of the truck. It was kind of a long day, but having them with made it better. Unfortunately they had to leave. It is kind of natural being in a parade. I am in the vehicle, so the people don't freak me out and every day in that big green bronco is pretty much like a parade. I have learned one thing about myself. I am totally unable to throw candy. I almost impaled a woman with a Tootsie Pop. I finally stopped throwing candy, I kept injuring people. People if I injured you at the Father's Day Parade in Mukwonago I am so sorry!
The car show wasn't bad. I pretty much parked my ass in the chair and sat by the truck. I wandered over to the Porto Potty independently (sad that I am even mentioning that, but if you have anxiety issues or are agoraphobic like me, it really is a big deal). Lily and Family showed up which was a very nice surprise. It is always wonderful to see them and I got to kiss that baby. Baby kissing is a huge bonus!
After we wandered around for a bit (yup, I wandered) and it was time to go home. Dean met up with his son and his girlfriend for a bit. He didn't hear from his daughter at all, I know how shocking. Dean's sister was kind of in the same boat. I mean Dean is loved, and I am so grateful to those of you who show him that love; my family, Annie, well, you know who you are. Thank you, your love is appreciated beyond what words can actually express. Some people don't have that. Some people would rather live in the past, live in denial, maybe live in lies, but what it comes down to is we have one shot people. I was not always the best daughter, best sister, best Grandchild, and I have to live with that, but I would like to think that who I am now makes up for it. Really what is the point of holding on to hate, you are going to end up living your life filled with regret. We get one shot. You have a Mom and a Dad, love them. They will not be around forever, no one is with us forever. Don't live with regrets and remorse. Let Go! Love. Forgive. Live in the moment. You can punish someone until the day that they die, and once they are gone you are going to have to live with that. Make damn sure you can live with that.
Just by chance if you are reading this, as I suspect you do from time to time, that man is your Daddy and you are his Pumpkin. No matter how big or grown up you are you will always be his Pumpkin. That man would buy you boxes of chocolate when you got your period. FYI that is really not a Dad thing. You have successfully hurt him. Your goal has been achieved. Just remember he loves you. It is time to let go, he won't be here forever.
Love and Light
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