Tuesday, August 27, 2013

He Has Risen!

Hello Dear Friends,

Been busy with babies and school but I wanted to take a moment to talk about my weekend. On Sunday my church Pastor for 30 plus years had retired. When a Pastor leaves the church, at least the Lutheran Church, the Pastor literally has to leave the church. Find another place to worship. I guess I understand the need for this. This carves room for the new Pastor, so he can lead the congregation. He can come back after a year to visit. A lot of build up and anticipation led to this moment. I obviously don't go to church like I should. I don't go any where like I should. Plus I usually need an escort, the joys of agoraphobia.

Once upon a time I was very active in the church. All of the Rally Day Picnics, singing in the children's choir, fellowship pot lucks, even spring cleaning the church. We met amazing people over the years like Janet and Gene, people which I still love very dearly.

I remember very clearly Pastor Janzow's first day at Ascension, I had the opportunity to watch his family grow. I remember being very young and singing Morning Has Broken (by Cat Stevens) during service and asking Pastor Janzow if he wrote it (he wrote many beautiful pieces) after the service, he chuckled and said 'I wish". Having memories of him lunching in my Parents dining room for Theresa's (my sister) baptism. I think it must be very hard being a Pastor, how much time and love he gave to us, his congregation, how much did he have to miss with his own family. He didn't mind questions or listening to problems and now it is time to let him go. Now I watch him say good bye. It is time to let go.

A Farewell Party was had at the Country Springs Hotel, which I would have loved to go to, but not something I could afford or probably handle for that matter, but the service on Sunday was a bitter sweet farewell. I was afraid my emotions would get the best of me. Which really was a non issue, after his final sermon the whole place was wiping away tears and sniffling. From beginning to the end he was with us. He wiped tears, shared in joys, made hospital visits, he spread a message of love.

One of the sweetest sounds is the sound of that mans voice. I love listening to him speak. I love his sermons. He loves to talk. He is not just a Shepherd but a story teller. He has walked with us. He has baptized us and our children. He has given our first communions, married us, and buried some of us. You walked with us in each precious moment.

Pastor Frank and Deaconess Jan thank you! Thank you for sharing your lives with us. Thank you for being a part of ours. You are parts of the most magical moments in the lives of us all. How does one say good bye? How does one let go?

He has risen,
He is risen indeed

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy the rest of your journey.

Love and Light,
Agoraphobia Gurl

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