Monday, December 15, 2014

10 days and counting....

Greetings Friends~
Time is ticking away-10 more days till Christmas!
Over the weekend I had the opportunity to enjoy the Advent Concert at Ascension Lutheran Church. How amazing! May your light shine!!! This is what the season is about. We get all wrapped up in gift exchanges, shopping, finding that perfect red cocktail dress or ugly Christmas sweater (did you know you can rent ugly sweaters now?).
In the soft candle light sitting among friends and family. Seeing faces from when I was a young girl still here in this sanctuary. Our own little family, some new faces, some returning friends, Christmas now feels much more complete after seeing our beloved retired Pastor Frank Janzow. I wondered how it would be this Christmas without him, so I feel blessed that I got to give him a squeeze! It was odd watching Mrs. Janzow sitting and observing, for so many years she was the one directing the choir.
The little Angel Choir(so cute), The Joyful Sounds Choir-“A Star A Star Dancing in the Night”….Ray Kinney and his Folk Choir, the musicians magical, the singers faces filled with joy. Ben Janzow and his Celebration Band, Heidi Bischmann and her Handbell Choir,  The Ascension Choir-BEAUTIFUL. Bravo Vicki Taylor-BRAVO! Benhi Khabed on the djembe-might I suggest this become a weekly addition!
 I wish I could name  each and every one of you that participated, because you were all part of the magic. Thank you!
We all don’t feel like celebrating over the holidays so I would like to take this opportunity to mention that at Ascension (located in Waukesha Wisconsin) they will be having a special service, The Longest Night Service On Sunday December 21st at 6 pm. For those who are suffering loss or missing a loved one this is a safe place where you can feel free to let your emotions flow, it is okay to be sad, hurt, and miss those who have passed. This, like all services are open to everyone.
Whatever you celebrate, let it be Kwanza, Hanukah, Yule, make sure you take the time to enjoy it and absorb the meaning behind it, immerse yourself in it.
Light of Light Eternal!
Be Joyful!
Love and Light!

Agoraphobia Gurl

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