Saturday, March 22, 2014

Southern Makes Me Sing Better....


Life is still chaotic-I don't know what is going on with school, financial aid to be specific. I am still a lingering.
However, I pushed myself a little today and got out of the house and achieved all goals I had set for myself. It is hard enough just getting out sometimes but today I was invited to two parties...yes count them two. One of which I knew no one, it was a bunch of Dean's high school friends...who I have been hearing about for years, since I was 15 to be exact. Wait-strike that, I knew one of Dean's friends, a sweetie pie named Rick. He owns a local bar, the Fly By Saloon in Saint Francis-if you are in the area go visit him! It was an 80's event-I did the big hair and the blue eye shadow. I am kind of an 80's babe. I think the fun part for me was people guessing who I was...was I Tracy? Was I Phyllis? Really-do I look like a Phyllis? I didn't get to dance with Spicoli at the prom, but whatever. Some of us are just not meant to go to the prom, right?
The first party was for my Aunt's husband-and I hardly knew any one. I was very anxious. I got nervous walking to the bar and going to the ladies room. It didn't help that I was dressed like Lita Ford(I didn't look as good as Lita Ford) because that was NOT an 80's party, so I just looked like a big weirdo. I also sang karaoke, I have not done that in years. I should have stopped at one...I sang Nancy Sinatra and I KILLED IT-I did good. Should have left at one, Janis was a little painful. But I did it!
Tomorrow I am going to a play with my friend Tammy. We are going to see Spamalot. That is a lot of activities for Agoraphobia Gurl. My stomach is feeling it, it has been one giant knot all day!
Maybe we will fix me yet....
Hope you got yourself out this weekend. Remember some anxiety is good. If we don't push ourselves who will-and we don't want to be trapped in a box forever.

Love and Light!

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