Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grammar is Evil

My English Comp class is almost over...WOO HOO. I am pretty sure I am going to pass...double WOO HOO. Hmmm....this might be the reason I am having issues...
I really am trying and I expected this to be an easy A.

I will miss Mr.Schulman. He is my TA and he is over qualified so having him give me feedback on my papers is an amazing gift. Grant you I don't know that I would actually put writing for MTV on my resume personally, when he has done so many really amazing things. But that is me.

I should go out and do something but it is so hot, and my head is throbbing. I am pretty sure my brain might in fact be bleeding. I just took the dreaded quiz. I only have a few more posts to make and a revision on my essay and I am done with English Comp for now. Sadly I have to do English Comp II
in about a month. Maybe this is why my hair is falling out!

Maybe after I get some work done in the house I will try and do some meditation. I was planning on going to the hospital for lab work this morning, but my blood sugar was low and it was a fasting lab...
so needless to say that didn't work. Why am I bringing this up? That was my leaving the house plan. Walking to and from the hospital, so maybe we will try meditation instead. It would be nice if my brain would stop throbbing.

I am in ramble mode.

What are you going to do for you today? If you can't make it out remember to try and do something
to improve your situation and your life. Write, meditate, or dance like a fool!!!

Love and Light!


  1. Well if your brain is bleeding call an ambulance. If it is just a headache - I'm right there with you babe. My head has been throbbing since the heat went over 85.

    Grammar does not suck. Grammar is fun. I like grammar and you know you could send your papers to me to read. I'd be happy to look them over. It's not cheating, it is using your resources.

    Good teachers are hard to come by so look for a class with him as the TA. That is what I try to do when I get a good teacher.

  2. I am pretty sure it is evil. Brain is done bleeding.
    Is it bed time yet?
