Thursday, August 28, 2014

Life is Too Short for Bad Vibes…

Life is Too Short for Bad Vibes…


I find myself asking where has the summer gone…it really flew by.

I am most certain you are all aware of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge- it is kind of hard to miss between the media and our social media, everywhere you turn everyone seems to be dumping a bucket of water over themselves. I was invited to join in the challenge, my “invite” stemmed from a teenage boy and circulated through his family and got passed along to me. My thoughts on this are if a teenage boy cares enough to do this I in some way should participate. This teenager could be “busy” playing video games, chasing girls, and getting high HOWEVER he found it to be important enough to participate in, good enough for me.

I found something outstanding to happen next- I start to see messages popping up…


I get that-I actually do. Aside from the participation in The J.K. Lee Board Breaking Fund Raiser I don’t generally announce to whom or to what charity I may or may not be giving to. This however was about participation and raising awareness.

Really? I get this too- but really? Just trying to pitch for a kid who is trying to do something positive! I guess I should now ask-have you washed your car this summer or taken a shower? If you answered yes maybe you should rethink and reevaluate your life.

I realize people come in all shapes and sized and personalities, and many of the people in my life are sarcastic, straight forward, shooting from the hip kind of people-but really?

According to the Huffington Post I read thus far 88.5 MILLION dollars, excuse me the current numbers are 94.3 MILLION have been raised, last year at this point in time 2.6 million was raised-so this is a bad thing? So we need to be judgmental?

Have you watched someone die from ALS?


Freedom of speech-express yourself-BLAH BLAH BLAH. I get it-America-land of the free and the home of the brave…

  However, simply sometimes it is best if you have nothing nice to say just keep your mouth shut.

Love and Light!

Agoraphobia Gurl