Saturday, January 31, 2015

How to Flake Out - An Agoraphobe’s Guide


Every once in a while actually revisiting the intended purpose of the blog is probably a good thing. So I was perusing this morning for something “Insightful” to say, as this is one of my difficult times of year so by no means am I beacon of health and wellness. I stumbled upon something as agoraphobic person that I found amusing, so I thought I should share:

How to Flake Out - An Agoraphobe’s Guide


1. Agree to a social outing with an acquaintance.
2. Panic over agreed upon social outing.
3. At the last minute, come up with an almost convincing excuse to flake out.
Examples include:
~My cat is sick.
~I totally forgot that I had homework.
~I actually have to watch The Lord of the Rings extended editions alone today, per doctor’s orders.
~I took too many klonopin and now I have to sleep it off for the next month.

You’re welcome. ( Doctor Donna Darling, 2014).

How absolutely perfect is that! I would never use the excuse of something or someone such as my cat (or my child) being sick to get out of something, I myself feel as if this is bad karmic "juju". Kind along the lines of "if you build it they will come”-I may or may not be wrong about this, but it is not worth the chance. Chances are if I am flaking myself out I have physically made myself sick. You know if you suffer from panic or agoraphobia what I am talking about. One of my shrinks told me “Where do you think the term scared shitless comes from?” Brilliant.  Stomach in knots, nausea building up, sweating…I don’t need to create excuses. I live in the moment, sometimes engulfed in fear.


"Fake it till you feel it" is probably the mantra I’ve carried with me the longest. I remember writing in a text book a few weeks before I dropped out of the first college I attended. Over the years, the things I’ve been faking have changed- I’ve faked happiness, I pretended that "I’ve got this"… (anxiousovernothing, 2014). Actually a lot of truth lies behind this. A lot of this healing process is essentially faking it. Taking a walk out that door until it doesn’t “hurt” any more. It is like immersion therapy. Immersion therapy is a psychological technique which allows a patient to overcome fears (phobias), but can be used for anxiety, panic, and sexuality disorders as well. This is not always recommended for everyone, and not something intended as a solo starter project. You put yourself into the fear factor, you hate all the people at the mall-you go to the mall. You hate all of the people at the fair-you go to the fair. That sounds big and scary right, but start with your baby steps. Walkout side the door, walk to the mail box, walk down the street just far enough that you can see your house and turn around running when you feel like you are going to vomit. Just take baby steps.



  • Anxiety: hey!
  • Me: what now?
  • Anxiety: Nothing, just wanted to worry you today.
  • Me: ...great
  • Anxiety: Hey your boyfriend/girlfriend didn't text you back, they're probably with someone else right now.
  • Me: ....
  • Anxiety: Oh your best friend hasn't spoken to you today either. They're probably sick of your shit.
  • Me: ....
  • Anxiety: Your parents said they're really proud of you honestly believe that?
  • Me: ....
  • Anxiety: Where do you see yourself in a year? Oh wait, you can barely get through a day!
  • Me: ...shut up.
  • Anxiety: Will you ever rise to anything?
  • Me: Shut up!
  • Anxiety: Or are you always this pathetic? Lol
  • Me: Why can't you leave me alone!?
  • Anxiety: Because messing with your head is what I live for. (Author unknown)

TRUTH-damn voices!

So I found these little perils of wisdom on an actual support type group on tumblr. I plan on going back and visiting, and reading some more. Having support and people who can actually relate to your experience makes this world feel a little less lonely.

Love and Light,

Agoraphobia Gurl


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