Thursday, January 24, 2013



I have a special person in my life who I have known almost forever, but our relationship has had its ebbs and flows. We have been communicating online for about five years, the sad thing of it is we live just a few blocks from one another. Oddly enough, that his been consistent for the most part with in all of our moves, we always end up living relatively close to one another. She too suffers from agoraphobia and panic, so even though we are a few blocks from one another we cannot manage to connect.

"An agoraphobia sufferer may eventually have a very restricted lifestyle. In severe cases the person will never leave the house and is dependent on other people. Being housebound usually means the patient's job prospects are severely limited. His/her social life, opportunities for education and learning new skills, walking the dog, running errands, or taking part in various daily activities are affected.

People with untreated agoraphobia have a much higher risk of developing depression, further anxiety disorders, and turning to alcohol or other substances. " ( Nordqvis ,2009)

I am at a point where I could go to her house, I would need some one to take me, but I could certainly do it. But I am not in her safe zone. I am not in her comfort zone. I wish so much I could help her in some way. I have invited her to come here, but that is not something she is able to do. I know at least a little part of her wants to. In the summer I think she would have enjoyed my shaded backyard filled with flowers. I think she would have enjoyed floating around in my little pool. I think being able to spend some time together, being able to laugh and be silly would do us both a world of good. I think we could join forces and make one another stronger.

If you are reading this my friend, I hope you are not angry that I posted it. I have kept it as impersonal as possible, but please know I love you and I am here for you.

"Feeling trapped, stuck, or stifled is a horrible feeling. We feel powerless and out of control. We know that we don’t want to be where we are, but either we don’t know where it is we would rather be, or we have no idea how to get there. It can seem impossible to take even the first step towards a destination that seems so very far away." -Amanda Harvey lifecoach

Don't give up!
Love and Light.

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