Saturday, February 4, 2012

Damn you Drew Barrymore.

So it is Saturday night, here I am.
 Tonight's topic, romantic comedies. I love romantic comedies. I love Drew Barrymore. I loved When Harry Met Sally, until MY Harry ran off with a 23 year old named Janette. Please note I realize Drew was not Sally, Meg Ryan was Sally....and damn her too.
I am a junkie. I loved 50 First Dates. I just watched Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long.

The theme in these romantic comedies is you hook up with your best friend. Who may or may not be an attractive but always funny person of the opposite sex. I am pretty sure this is crap. I would actually like to hear some other peoples opinions on it.
 I would have to say that 75% of my friends are not in a happy relationship, or at least it appears that way, due to the way they speak about that significant other.

 It is like life sets us up from beginning to end.

When we are little girls we have our fairy tales, when I was a kid the Prince ALWAYS came to save the Princess.  Thankfully now a days, a Princess does not always need a Prince to come and save her!
Fiona changed it all and the Immigrant Song will never be the same!

Seriously, Happily Ever After?
I want it.
Strive for it.
Who has it?

Are my parents happily ever after? They have been together for 40 plus years. They seem to like hanging out together. They kiss and hold hands. My son once told me they are his role models for what a relationship is supposed to be. What love is supposed to be. Good choice. I certainly have not provided that for him.

Happily Ever After.....Damn that sounds good!
Peace and Love


  1. The problem with romantic comedies is they stop just when it is getting interesting. Oh it is great to be dating and chasing a new love but it is even better to go through the storms of life and know the person next to you will be there. I know it is a cliche. Romantic comedies actually stop when the story is just getting interesting. I think the problem is people think that is how life should be and that once you get happily ever after it stays that way. It doesn't because if it did you would always be stuck in that moment and that would be a waste of a life. Okay - I'm done rambling now...

  2. Yay comments! We love comments. By we I mean me. I have not gone Sybil now too.
    Maybe I should start watching Lifetime movies instead; lying, cheating, abduction. Lifetime movies make my life seem like a piece of cake.
