Friday, February 17, 2012

What is magnesium?

Yesterday I was browsing the net in search of some form of healing/therapy... something.
It still boils down to exposure therapy. Just doing it!

However I did come upon the most interesting site ever! Wise GEEK clear answers for common questions.  Have you ever seen it?
-What is a cord of wood?
-What is lamp oil?
-What is a convection oven?
(I have to admit this made me feel pretty good about myself)
-What are dryer sheets?
(Yes, really.)
-What is magnesium?
(Okay, maybe this would have been useful when I was still in school?)
-What is a kite?
(This was someone not allotted a childhood I am guessing)

Yes I am an agoraphobic person. I work my program on most days. For me this means leaving the house. Today for example I went to Denny's for breakfast with a friend. Once upon a time I LOVED going out for breakfast (that was before I had a fear of the Wal Mart) now I go because I am supposed to and I sit and pick at my food and feel nauseated because I am at a restaurant. You would think at the very least this would help with the waist line.

I saw some interesting things on Wise GEEK clear answers for common questions.
I have no idea how accurate any of this information actually is but it is called wise geek and we all know geeks are really smart!

Did you know:
a fear of animals is zooaphobia
a fear of water is hydrophobia
a fear of flying is aviophobia
a fear of needles is trypanophobia
and the winner is (insert drum roll here)
a fear of asparagus is spargarphobia

To any one suffering from spargarphobia I will trade you!!!! Totally! I love asparagus but I would much rather have an irrational fear of asparagus. I could deal with that. I would miss it greatly but I would much rather be able to leave the house without getting sick to my stomach. I would much rather be able to take my kid to Summerfest. I would give up asparagus in a heart beat!

If you suffer from this disorder I apologize sincerely if you feel like I might be mocking you just a little bit.

Happy Weekend!
Love and Light!

1 comment:

  1. You just never know when those little spears will form up and make a fence around you... or they are spears - they might stab you... and they taste awful... I can see the asparagas thing... LOL I got some interesting images off this - so either I'm way too tired or my imagination is working overtime... LOL
