The day starts with me running very late.
I have been trying to get back in the habit of wearing make up every day. Full face, not just eyes and gloss. The full "bondo". Why? It makes me feel better.
I feel that I appear less old. I do possess a certain amount of vanity. I'll own that.
Still running late. I need to get to Doctor Feelgoods office(orthopedic doctor) for my cortisone shot.Rotator cuff injury~ARGH. Doctor Feelgood in VERY masterful with a syringe. Being a diabetic I get poked a lot, so I am a really good judge of this. An expert perhaps.
No time for make up. Hair wet and pulled back in some freaky retro 80's pony tail with 3 sprouts sticking out.Rotator cuff injuries make it impossible to make a normal pony tail. (DAMN, I don't even have a normal pony tail!)
Safety person informs me the new body spray I just bought smells like rancid meat. He is right. I thought it smelled kind of weird.
My pony tail wearing,rancid meat smelling self is sitting in the waiting room wondering if everyone thinks my body spray smells like rancid meat. At least this gives me something new and unusual to worry about.
After my appointment I have to go home and do something with my hair and the body spray issue. Hair and make up done. Getting some things done. Maggie time! I walk over to the office feeling pretty good. Some one in the waiting room asks me what I am wearing. Woo hoo I smell good again. Thanks to my trusted bottle of Shania.
When you get to this place of alone in your head that comes with the agoraphobia and depression I sometime find myself crossing boundaries.
It is NEVER appropriate to call your physical therapist a beast because she got to go to The Black Keys and your crazy ass didn't. Crossing boundaries. She is my physical therapist not my buddy.In my real life I use beast a lot. It can be good and it can be bad, in this case it was bad. Whatever the case she is my physical therapist. I forget this sometimes. I am sorry Maggie!
Crossing boundaries, joining in conversations in the waiting room. Giving my unsolicited advice in the grocery store. I HAD to tell the guy not to buy the cheap 2.00 can of coffee. It was gross I bought it myself. He should appreciate this information, right?
Yes I am agoraphobic and maybe a little creepy!
Peace and Love.
Which came first - the agoraphobia or the little creepy?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I think it is normal to offer advice. When I'm in Sorg's buying meat, I've often had discussions about meat, cooking, good buys, and so on. I think it is NORMAL!!! Yup I said it - you are NORMAL... at least in this aspect...
As for the pony tail - I wear my hair in a pony tail most days (80s or not style). So I'm not seeing a problem with the pony tail...
Maybe instead of worrying about what others are thinking you should just embrace your uniqueness and go with it. You don't look old.
Pony tails are a wonderful thing, but NOT mutant pony tails with hairs sticking out of the top of my head!