Thursday, February 2, 2012

The "science" of Earl Hickey

"You know the kind of guy who does nothing but bad things and then wonders why his life sucks? Well, that was me. Every time something good happened to me, something bad was always waiting around the corner: karma. That is when I realized that I had to change, so I made a list of everything bad I've ever done and one by one I'm gonna make up for all my mistakes. I'm just trying to be a better person. My name is Earl."

This is taken from the show My name is Earl. This show brought the concept of karma to every man.
Well, every man who tuned in.

Earl is afraid of flying, needles, and possible attacks from alligators in the sewer when he uses the toilet.

I feel as if Earl and I are kindred spirits.

During my wild trip to insanity I have tried just about everything to be better, to be normal. I will save that for another day.

 In the process of healing and recovery karma is something you might just stumble upon.

In the most simple form karma is the chain of cause and effect. I look at life and ask myself, how bad was I really? If you want to get really technical or new age, how bad was I in my past life/s?

When I was much younger my husband told me I had a drinking problem. I went to treatment and had 5 years of sobriety and realized I didn't really have a drinking problem, I had a husband problem.

Treatment and AA are both wonderful experiences. When you are in inpatient treatment for addiction you have to sit down and face your reality. You have to own it.(Well, if you want it to work) You sit in a group of strangers and strip your soul down to complete exposure. Part of working a 12 step program is making amends. I have made my amends. This is what Earl is doing too,basically
making amends.

I look at myself today and wonder has karma brought me here? I have made amends to many people. Who did I leave out?

I live with very few regrets. The thing I probably regret the most is not being a better sister. If you know adult me I am sure you are saying how is that possible, you are so wonderful!
I wasn't a wonderful sister. I was probably a pretty heinous sister. I don't think it really phases my youngest sister, she had a pretty great big sister.

So in the science of Earl Hickey...

Dear Heather,

You deserved so much better. I am sorry I yelled at you. I am sorry I didn't play with you. I wish I would have been a better role model. I wish I would have gone to Hadfield and kicked that bullies ass, because I should have! I wish I would have given you the red balloon(which is why I handed you one last year before you left my Halloween party). This is it, this is the one thing if I could go back and change I would. I hate that I can't change it or fix it. I hate that I am one person you should have been able to count on and all I was is one giant disappointment.
Please know I love you with all of my heart and I am so very proud of you!


I am pretty sure Earl Hickey is not going to cure my agoraphobia.
Peace and Love

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