Friday, February 24, 2012

Safe Person

So Safe Person had a big old bump removed and it is skin cancer.
Not the really bad skin cancer.
Not the you will live skin cancer.
The one in the middle.
I don't exactly know what this means.
The icing on this cake is he has no insurance and no means to pay for the specialist or the surgery.
Yes...I am about to make this about me.
HE is not allowed to fall apart.
He is not allowed to be broken.
He is my rock.
He is my friend.
He is a really good guy.
God/dess, Higher Power...Whom ever.
I am REALLY starting to have issues with you.
"Everything happens for a reason."
"It is in HIS plan."
"He/She has gone to a better place."
I would really like to not be angry with you right now. I like Easter.
Foot prints my ass.
I guess I need to watch a Kevin Smith movie and obtain some perspective.
Yes I know I am being offensive.

I didn't leave the house today. It snowed and I had Lily.
Lily is my best friend.
She is 4.
Go figure.
We played outside.
We played with make up.
We did mani/pedi.
She is my special weekly therapy.

Have a good weekend!
Love and Light.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for this news. It isn't as bad as it could be. Not offensive - scared that the man you love may have some serious issues. Can he get on Badger Care?

    Sending lots of love and positive energy out to both of you. (and no trite crap)
